The Tides and Times Are A Changing! Are You Ready?
Pluto, the lord of the underworld, the place where we hide our deepest wounds, is wrapping up its 17-year stint through Capricorn (officially 2008-2024)— completing a reckoning with our wounds around ambition, money, traditional structures of authority and more. (Remember the financial crisis of 2008, and the most recent bank failure as Pluto leaves Capricorn?). How have these areas in your life changed in that time?
A sea change is afoot with Pluto dipping its toe into Aquarius (March 23-June 11, 2023, January 20-September 1, 2024, and November 19, 2024 – March 8, 2043). It invites (or compels, depending on our level of consciousness) a thorough examination of our individuality, our collective humanity, our interface with technology, and the role of our intellect.
Saturn the planet of reality, maturity, boundaries, entered Pisces in March 2023 and will remain there till February 2026. It has joined Neptune, the planet of dissolving boundaries, dreams, imagination and spirituality. Together they encourages us to dissolve old limits that constrain who we are becoming, and allow new visions to germinate.
And, the eclipses are wrapping up in Aries-Libra (self-other dynamics). Eclipses bring our heads and hearts together to realign our whole-being-ness. Like slow-moving planets, eclipses offer their lessons in a timed-release capacity. We feel their impact over six months.

Would you like to know how these transits will impact your life? How to use them to further align with your goals, hopes, dreams?
Would having astrological guidance and support during these times help you steer them better?
Would you benefit from the support of a nurturing community that helps you stay centered?
Do you long to be seen, heard, reflected in the compassionate, accepting, non-judgmental eyes of another?
If you answered ‘Yes!’ to the above, you are not alone.
​Dancing in time to Pluto’s ingress into group-oriented Aquarius, I’m hoping we can offer each other nourishing, growth-oriented, engaged support… guided by the sky to facilitate a deep dive into our charts, with the aim of living our very best lives.
© 2024 Meghna Bhagat